Our lawyers
By - K. Canatan
On 13, May 2012 | In PartnerCriminal LawyerAmsterdam Office | By - K. Canatan
Kerem Canatan
M +31653413235 | E-MAIL | LINKEDIN
Mr. K. (Kerem) Canatan studied law in Groningen. In 2002 he was sworn in as a lawyer in Amsterdam. Before that he worked as a paralegal and later as a paralegal supervisor in London until he switched to criminal law at a medium-sized law firm with a criminal section in Amsterdam.
By - K. Canatan
On 13, May 2012 | In PartnerCriminal LawyerSchiphol Office | By - K. Canatan
Clarice Stenger
M +31641504946 | WHATSAPP | E-MAIL | LINKEDIN
Mr. C.B. (Clarice) Stenger graduated from the University of Groningen in 2003. She joined Meijers Canatan Advocaten in March 2011 and joined the partnership on 1 January 2015.
By - K. Canatan
On 13, May 2012 | In PartnerCriminal LawyerAmsterdam Office | By - K. Canatan
Christian Visser
M +31646073004 | E-MAIL | LINKEDIN
Mr. C.J.J. (Christian) Visser studied law at Maastricht University and the University of Westminster in London. He started his career at the Zuidas where he was sworn in as a lawyer in 2006. He made his debut in criminal law with Theo Hiddema.
By - K. Canatan
On 13, May 2012 | In Criminal LawyerSchiphol Office | By - K. Canatan
Pepijn Slewe
M +31681954639 | E-MAIL | LINKEDIN
Mr. F. P. (Pepijn) Slewe studied Dutch law in Amsterdam. From 1997 to June 2008 he worked at Abma Schreurs Advocaten in Amsterdam in the criminal law department as a research associate. Since June 2008 he has been working at Meijers Canatan Advocaten.
By - K. Canatan
On 28, Aug 2019 | In Criminal LawyersSchiphol Office | By - K. Canatan
Eric Steller
M +31623091396 | E-MAIL | LINKEDIN
Mr. E.M. (Eric) Steller studied law at the University of Amsterdam. He also obtained a bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences and Innovation Management from the University of Utrecht and a propaedeutic year from Royal Holloway, University of London.