Office complaint scheme
Our lawyers strive for the highest possible quality standards. If you are dissatisfied, so are we. That is why our firm has a complaints procedure. We take any complaints very seriously and will try to find a solution in mutual consultation. You will find the complaints procedure below:
- Article 1, Complaints Mechanism
1. In these rules, a complaint is understood to mean: any written expression of dissatisfaction by or on behalf of the client towards the attorney at law or the persons working under his responsibility regarding the formation and execution of an assignment agreement, the quality of the services or the amount of the bill, not being a complaint as referred to in Section 4 of the Lawyers Act.
2. These rules shall also apply to persons working under the responsibility of lawyers.
3. This complaints procedure is in line with the Regulation on the Legal Profession. In so far as this regulation would be different, the Regulation on the Legal Profession is leading.
- Article 2, submission of complaint
1. Complaints can only be submitted in writing (by post or e-mail) to the complaints officer.
2. Complaints must be made known as soon as possible.
3. Complaints that are addressed to the attorney at law being dealt with will be forwarded to the complaints officer, except to the extent that the attorney at law being dealt with reasonably believes that there is no question of a complaint or that the complaint has already been dealt with satisfactorily.
4. Only complaints from clients of our firm will be dealt with.
5. Clients may be represented in the complaint, which must be evidenced in writing and signed by the representative, unless the representative is a lawyer registered in the Netherlands.
- Article 3, Complaints Officer
1. Our office has a complaints officer.
2. The complaints officer is never the attorney at law being dealt with.
3. Our complaints officers are: Mr. K. Canatan and Mr. C.J.J. Visser.
- Article 4, handling of complaint
1. Within one month of receipt of the complaint, the Complaints Officer shall inform the complainant and the person complained about in writing, with reasons, of the opinion on the merits of the complaint, whether or not accompanied by recommendations.
2. In the event of a deviation from the period referred to in section 1, the complaints officer will notify the complainant and the person complained about, stating the period within which an opinion on the merits of the complaint will be given.
3. The complainant and the person complained about will be given the opportunity to give an explanation of the complaint. If the complainant wishes to make use of this opportunity, he must make this known.
4. The Complainant shall not owe any compensation for the costs of handling the complaint under this Complaints Procedure.
5. The complaints officer does not act as 'arbitrator' and can only mediate or make recommendations in the context of his involvement.
- Article 5, unresolved complaints
1. If the complainant is of the opinion that his complaint has not been resolved after treatment under this complaints procedure, the complaint may be submitted to the competent civil court for a binding decision.
2. A complainant who applies to the civil court as referred to in section 1 shall bear the costs of those proceedings himself/herself without prejudice to the right to a possible order to pay the costs of the proceedings.
- Article 6, Scope of the Arrangement
Meijers Canatan Advocaten declares the office complaints procedure applicable to every agreement of assignment entered into with the client.