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By - Tom Gijsberts

RSJ: Detained away from terrorist ward Vught because of threats.

On 16, Nov 2017 | In News | By - Tom Gijsberts

The Appeals Committee of the Council for the Administration of Criminal Justice and Protection of Juveniles (RSJ) ruled this week that a detainee from the terrorists' department in Vught may leave because his safety is insufficiently guaranteed there.

The detainee had requested to be transferred to another facility because he was constantly threatened by his fellow detainees at the airbase. This request was rejected by the selection officer. After the detainee had lodged an appeal against this rejection, the Appeals Committee ruled that it had been established that he had been seriously threatened during his detention in the terrorists' section. The Appeals Committee also inspected the aerial site of the terrorists' section and ruled that the low fencing that the detainees had to separate during airing was insufficient to prevent dangerous situations.

The Appeals Committee judged that in this state of affairs it was not reasonable for the detainee to remain in the terrorist ward and therefore determined that he should be transferred to another penitentiary.

It is the first time that a detainee is allowed to leave the terrorist section because of the threatening situation. This decision comes shortly after a report from Amnesty International stating that human rights are being systematically violated in the terrorist section.

The detainee was assisted by Mr. T.W. Gijsberts



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